Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Spring Update

It's been a busy few months so we wanted to give you an update on the progress of our missions in Haiti and Guatemala. 

It’s been a busy few months here at ‘The Chance to Dream’. Our work in Guatemala is primarily focused on increasing access to education and bringing in medical teams to serve the people. But we have also seen that the need for mental health services is vital for making dreams come true. 

Despite her recent back problems, which are on the mend, Linda has still been working extremely hard and continues to dedicate her life to supporting people through their traumatic life experiences. Linda recently went and did trauma training in rural Guatemala with a group of dedicated volunteers. Whether the trauma is related to neglect, poverty, abuse, witnessed or experienced violence or other causes, she is committed to facilitating healing. Linda trusts in God's plan for her, to continue her work channeling his power and love always. 

Linda has planned another medical trip to Guatemala in May, and is actively seeking volunteers to help with this mission. If this interests you, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. 

Haiti remains dangerously unstable, due to gang violence, kidnappings, and limited resources, which obviously is what forced the Sheppard family to relocate to the US, and we’re acutely aware that our team is still navigating these terrifying challenges. Our team here are in close contact with those on the ground and we are working hard to ensure the community has what it needs, despite the obvious struggles.

The two Gymnastics schools in Haiti and in North Carolina continue to thrive and we will carry on our work in the hope that we can enforce the sister school status, which would create opportunities for Haitian students to get visas and then to transfer to North Carolina as part of the programme. This is still very much our plan and we will continue to hope, pray and push for this positive step. 

Today we ask for your prayers for the following:

  • Linda’s continued recovery following her back surgery

  • The ability to gain sister school status for the Gymnastics schools 

  • Serenity and rejuvenation for Haiti

  • Stability and safety for our Haitian staff

  • A successful medical mission trip to Guatemala

Thank you for your continued support and prayers as we stand together for the Haitian and Guatemalan communities, and for Linda’s mission.