Friday, September 6, 2013

Cockroach Invasion

I LOVE Haiti, but the cockroaches are something I could probably live without. We're going to need to figure out some sort of plan to combat these nasty bugs. I had some of the kids sitting with me watching a movie on my laptop in the dark. We turned on the lights when the movie was over and a gigantic cockroach went flying by. I didn't even realize that cockroaches could fly. Then it was on the floor, so we moved a shoe and next thing you know there were two of them. I smashed both of them. I went into the kitchen and another one was sitting on the counter. Yuck!

I went back into the living room to clean up the smashed cockroaches and found a mess. Check out the picture below. A million little ants or some sort of bugs had swarmed the dead cockroaches.

Earlier in the day I had gone to do some inventory at the guest house and a cockroach crawled out of my bag. Apparently Amanda had an interesting day as well. We're hauling buckets of water into the bathrooms in the morning so people can wash up and we have water to flush the toilet when necessary. There was a partial bucket of water under the sink and Amanda glanced into it and saw a silvery worm swimming around. She proceeded to ask, how long are you boiling this water before we drink it? wonder parasites are such an issue throughout much of the world.

On a good note, Naomi sat down at dinner tonight and proceeded to speak Creole. She also proceeded to tell everyone it was Spanish, but at least she knew it was another language she was speaking. She's going to have to give us lessons since her and David will probably pick up the language the quickest.

1 comment:

  1. While you may have come to expect them, it’s still not a welcome sight to see bugs crawling around the house. Here’s to hoping that you’ve found a way to at least keep them from your food stores and other important storage areas in the house. Take care!

    Alta Peng @ Liberty Pest Inc.
