Saturday, October 19, 2013

IV's, Frogs on the Wall, and the Lookout

It has been an interesting week! I was actually quite surprised that Ron did not get sick when we first moved to Haiti. I remember clearly adopting our daughter Maliya from China 18 years ago and how Ron was laying on the bathroom floor of the US Embassy waiting for our appointment. The other dads that were also adopting had to go pick him up off the bathroom floor when they called our name because he was so deathly ill.

Well, I suppose I spoke too soon when I commented on how well Ron was doing in Haiti. Next thing you know, Ron was sick. And not just a little sick, but sick for a few days on antibiotics. Then that sickness progressed into throwing up for 19 hours and eventually needing 4 bags of fluid from an IV. Thankfully we had an amazing medical team here that could assist. We had a mini hospital room set up in our bathroom for a few days. He is doing much better, but it was a rough week to say the least. He is now up and about and feeling much better. Praise God! We don't know what he was sick with, but thankfully the rest of us haven't come down with it.

In other news, we seem to have many frogs. They sit on the window, come in the door, and crawl up the wall. We catch them in a little dish and put them back outside. The next day, another one comes back.

They are quick little guys and can walk right up the wall. Tonight, there was a really big frog sitting on the windowsill.

The kids absolutely love these amazing creatures. I'll have to say that I prefer them over the tarantulas and cockroaches!

It seems our other bug problems have improved drastically. We still see a cockroach now and then and the ants will come around if we are not careful with the food, but for the most part they are under control.

We also were able to go up to the lookout on Tuesday. Ron and I started our weekly date night or actually date day a couple of weeks ago. In Oregon, every Tuesday night we would go for $1.25 tacos and then to $5 movie night. Since there is no movie theatre in Haiti, we had to develop a different plan. Week before last, we went to the Baptist mission. It was good, but we had to go early because they close by 5pm. Getting away in the day is really challenging with various projects we are assisting with at the ministry. We decided we would need to find somewhere we could go in the evening.

This past week, Ron was sick when Tuesday came along. Since we had just started the tradition, Julia and Amanda and I were persuaded to go anyway. We went up to the lookout for a coke and french fries. It was amazing up there. This is basically up the mountain where the cell phone towers are. Relatively recently they put a small restaurant at the lookout. It's not that far from where we live. It was just beginning to get dark. The sky turned pink as the sun went down. Very impressive! Haiti is truly a beautiful country!


  1. Love your updates. Glad Ron is doing better, and pray no one else gets sick. Love all your pictures and seeing the family through a camera lens. You guys are truly amazing and loved by many. May God Bless your mission with all that you need to provide for your family and the family's of Haiti.
    Love you,
    The Ball Family

  2. I wonder how Ron feels about this picture of him on the blog ;) Glad he's better!!
