Wednesday, July 10, 2024

July Update from the Sheppard Family

It’s been a busy few weeks for Ron, Linda, and the family. 

Work is fully underway for our medical mission trip to Guatemala on August 19th. During these mission trips we are able to continue providing trauma training for teachers and firefighters working with children in crisis. Supporting mental health is an area that lacks sufficient financial backing in the country, yet it is integral to the growth and happiness of those affected.

To ensure the success of this mission, we are urgently seeking volunteers. Your participation can make a significant difference. If you’re interested in being involved, please contact Linda directly at    

Meanwhile, ten gymnasts at Union County Gymnastics participated in the Special Olympics in North Carolina back in May. We are incredibly proud of each and every one of them. Our gymnast Melissa Sheppard was also honored in the opening ceremony, being one of only two athletes from the entire state selected to carry the torch. Well done, Melissa!

We really hope to coordinate with Haiti Special Olympics in the future, when life there settles enough to allow it. 

Life in Haiti remains dangerously unstable. Most recently, Kenyan police have been sent into the country. They have been supposedly tasked to protect strategic sites, such as airports, the palace, and ministries. But it is unclear whether the forces are authorized to engage directly in combat, as well as if or how they will be integrated with the Haitian police force and military.  

Today we ask for your prayers for the following:

  • The offering of volunteers for our medical mission to Guatemala

  • Serenity and rejuvenation for Haiti

  • Stability and Safety for our Haitian staff

Thank you for your continued support and prayers as we stand together for the Haitian and Guatemalan communities, and for Linda’s mission. Your dedication makes a significant impact, and we are grateful for your unwavering commitment.

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