Thursday, October 3, 2024

A Fall Update

As fall approaches and we say goodbye to the summer months, it’s great to be able to reflect on what we have achieved in recent weeks. 

Guatemala Medical Mission

In August, Linda had the privilege of traveling to Guatemala as part of a medical mission trip. During her time there, she visited five elderly care homes, each with its own unique set of challenges and needs. The team provided much-needed support through education and medical assistance, offering care to residents who often have limited access to healthcare services. It was incredibly fulfilling to connect with the elderly individuals in these homes, listen to their stories, and address their medical concerns directly. Being able to offer care firsthand, rather than through a distant or indirect means, made the experience deeply meaningful. It reinforced the importance of compassion, not only in medicine but also in human connection, and we are grateful to have been part of such a heartwarming and impactful journey.

Support Retreats for Missionaries

Scheduling support retreats for missionaries at their cabin in Georgia is a unique and meaningful initiative that aims to provide much-needed rest, reflection, and resources for those serving on the frontlines of faith and family. The serene environment of the cabin, nestled in the tranquil beauty of Georgia’s landscape, offers a perfect setting for missionaries to recharge and find renewed strength after long periods of service in challenging conditions. These retreats not only give missionaries a space for relaxation but also offer them spiritual support, emotional encouragement, and a chance to connect with others who share similar experiences.

In addition, the cabin will also serve as a place of refuge and community for families who are in the process of adoption or navigating the complexities of post-adoption life. Adoption, while beautiful, often comes with emotional and logistical challenges, and the retreats provide both practical resources and a supportive environment where families can share their stories, gain insight, and receive the encouragement they need. Whether it’s through workshops, counseling sessions, or simply enjoying the peace and quiet of nature, these retreats are designed to nurture the mind, body, and spirit of those who give so much of themselves to others.


Even though we are not currently physically present in Haiti, we remain committed to supporting the staff and beneficiaries on the ground. One of the key ways we continue to make an impact is through initiatives like the transportation program. The truck we provided is still actively working to transport produce from the farmers in the village we partnered with to the street market. This logistical support is critical because, without it, many of the farmers would have no way to reach the market and sell their goods. The truck acts as a lifeline, ensuring that their produce reaches buyers and helping the farmers sustain their livelihoods.

For many of these farmers, selling their produce at the market is their sole source of income, and the ability to reliably transport their goods makes all the difference. The income they generate not only supports their families but also fuels the local economy, allowing the community to grow and thrive. This ongoing support, though indirect, ensures that the work we began in Haiti continues to have a lasting effect. It also underscores the importance of sustainable development—creating systems that remain beneficial to local communities even when outside help is no longer immediately available.

Special Olympics returns

The Special Olympics kicked off again just two weeks ago, and we are excited to be embarking on a full schedule that spans the fall, winter, and spring seasons. We are thrilled to be welcoming a significant number of new athletes to the program. The growing participation reflects not only the increasing enthusiasm within the community but also the importance of providing opportunities for individuals to engage in sports, develop skills, and build lasting friendships.

With each new season, we aim to create an inclusive and empowering environment where our athletes can thrive, whether it's learning new skills, competing in their favorite events, or simply enjoying being part of a supportive team. This year's expanded roster means we’ll have even more opportunities to celebrate the athletes' dedication, perseverance, and achievements as they train, compete, and grow together. It's a true privilege to witness their personal development and the sense of joy and accomplishment that comes from being part of the Special Olympics family. 

Today we ask for your prayers for the following:

  • The care homes in Guatemala now feel better equipped to manage and cope more effectively after our mission visit.

  • Serenity and rejuvenation for Haiti

  • That the weather allows for a fruitful harvest for all our Haitian farmers

  • Love and luck for all our Special Olympics participants

  • That Linda's upcoming surgery on the 22nd October is successful and her health begins to improve

Thank you for your continued support and prayers as we stand together for the Haitian and Guatemalan communities, and for Linda, Ron and their families mission. Your support and dedication to our work, helps to spur us on and continue with our duty in God's name. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

July Update from the Sheppard Family

It’s been a busy few weeks for Ron, Linda, and the family. 

Work is fully underway for our medical mission trip to Guatemala on August 19th. During these mission trips we are able to continue providing trauma training for teachers and firefighters working with children in crisis. Supporting mental health is an area that lacks sufficient financial backing in the country, yet it is integral to the growth and happiness of those affected.

To ensure the success of this mission, we are urgently seeking volunteers. Your participation can make a significant difference. If you’re interested in being involved, please contact Linda directly at    

Meanwhile, ten gymnasts at Union County Gymnastics participated in the Special Olympics in North Carolina back in May. We are incredibly proud of each and every one of them. Our gymnast Melissa Sheppard was also honored in the opening ceremony, being one of only two athletes from the entire state selected to carry the torch. Well done, Melissa!

We really hope to coordinate with Haiti Special Olympics in the future, when life there settles enough to allow it. 

Life in Haiti remains dangerously unstable. Most recently, Kenyan police have been sent into the country. They have been supposedly tasked to protect strategic sites, such as airports, the palace, and ministries. But it is unclear whether the forces are authorized to engage directly in combat, as well as if or how they will be integrated with the Haitian police force and military.  

Today we ask for your prayers for the following:

  • The offering of volunteers for our medical mission to Guatemala

  • Serenity and rejuvenation for Haiti

  • Stability and Safety for our Haitian staff

Thank you for your continued support and prayers as we stand together for the Haitian and Guatemalan communities, and for Linda’s mission. Your dedication makes a significant impact, and we are grateful for your unwavering commitment.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Spring Update

It's been a busy few months so we wanted to give you an update on the progress of our missions in Haiti and Guatemala. 

It’s been a busy few months here at ‘The Chance to Dream’. Our work in Guatemala is primarily focused on increasing access to education and bringing in medical teams to serve the people. But we have also seen that the need for mental health services is vital for making dreams come true. 

Despite her recent back problems, which are on the mend, Linda has still been working extremely hard and continues to dedicate her life to supporting people through their traumatic life experiences. Linda recently went and did trauma training in rural Guatemala with a group of dedicated volunteers. Whether the trauma is related to neglect, poverty, abuse, witnessed or experienced violence or other causes, she is committed to facilitating healing. Linda trusts in God's plan for her, to continue her work channeling his power and love always. 

Linda has planned another medical trip to Guatemala in May, and is actively seeking volunteers to help with this mission. If this interests you, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. 

Haiti remains dangerously unstable, due to gang violence, kidnappings, and limited resources, which obviously is what forced the Sheppard family to relocate to the US, and we’re acutely aware that our team is still navigating these terrifying challenges. Our team here are in close contact with those on the ground and we are working hard to ensure the community has what it needs, despite the obvious struggles.

The two Gymnastics schools in Haiti and in North Carolina continue to thrive and we will carry on our work in the hope that we can enforce the sister school status, which would create opportunities for Haitian students to get visas and then to transfer to North Carolina as part of the programme. This is still very much our plan and we will continue to hope, pray and push for this positive step. 

Today we ask for your prayers for the following:

  • Linda’s continued recovery following her back surgery

  • The ability to gain sister school status for the Gymnastics schools 

  • Serenity and rejuvenation for Haiti

  • Stability and safety for our Haitian staff

  • A successful medical mission trip to Guatemala

Thank you for your continued support and prayers as we stand together for the Haitian and Guatemalan communities, and for Linda’s mission. 

Monday, February 5, 2024

Happy New Year

As we enter the new year, I wanted to provide a brief update on our family and also take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and generosity towards A Chance to Dream.

In recent months, Ron, the children, and I have completed the emotionally challenging task of packing up our family home in Haiti and have safely returned to North Carolina in the United States. The decision to leave Haiti stemmed from increasing instability due to various challenges, including gang violence and limited resources. I also underwent unexpected back surgery recently, and while my recovery will be demanding, I am grateful for the prayers and support that sustain me through this challenging time.


Despite this move to the United States, our hearts remain dedicated to Haiti's service, and we are actively engaged in supporting the community from afar.

Your contributions throughout this year have made an incredible difference in the lives of those we serve. Thanks to your compassion and commitment, we've been able to improve the quality of life for children and families in Haiti, Guatemala, and Ecuador.


Thank you for being an essential part of our mission and for your continued belief in our cause. Together, we can bring positive change and make a lasting difference in so many lives.


Your ongoing support and prayers means the world to our family as we navigate this significant chapter. We kindly request your continued prayers for our mission and also for my recovery. We thank you for standing with us and being a source of strength.


We are wishing you and your loved ones a prosperous New Year!

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

A New Chapter


It’s Keely again with an update on the Sheppard family's journey as they navigate a period of transition, alongside Linda's ongoing health challenges.

After a return to Haiti to pack up their home and the gymnastics school, Linda has safely returned to the United States. Her journey was marked by unexpected twists, as her back deteriorate in Haiti and had to divert through the Dominican Republic for urgent medical care. Now, she is back home with her family in North Carolina. Regrettably, her health necessitated back surgery in mid-September. While there's a demanding road to recovery ahead, Linda remains grateful for the sustaining power of your prayers and trusts in God's divine plan for her healing.

The shipment of gymnastics equipment from the Haitian school to its US counterpart, Union County Gymnastics, arrived shortly after Linda's return. The equipment is already set up, eagerly awaiting new students. In the coming months, the focus will be on fostering connections and refining program designs, charting the course for the partnership between Haiti and the US gymnastic programs.

Linda and Ron are deeply committed to education, recognizing it as the catalyst for transformative change for young Haitians. Post-Linda's recovery, their efforts will be concentrated on collaborating with their Haitian staff to identify schools for potential partnerships and initiating the expansion of their educational initiatives in Haiti.

The visa application process for Leanne's entry into the US has been set in motion. Though it's a long process, there is a steadfast trust in the system and a belief that God holds the ultimate plan.

Today, we humbly ask for your prayers for the following:

Linda's swift recovery and enduring health

  • The Sheppard children as they transition and adjust to new beginnings of their own

  • Guidance and wisdom as the development of the Haiti-US gymnastics sister program takes its formative steps

  • Open doors for partnerships in the gymnastics program

  • A seamless visa process for Leanne

  • Strength and safety for the Haitian staff, who serve as the eyes and feet on the ground

  • Tranquility and rejuvenation for Haiti

Thank you for your continued support and prayers. Together, we stand as a source of strength for the Sheppard family during this pivotal chapter in their lives.

Monday, July 31, 2023

The Sheppard Family Transition

Greetings! My name is Keely, and today I'm honored to share an update on behalf of the Sheppard family. Recently, I've been in close contact with Linda, offering my support as she faces the incredibly challenging transition

of leaving Haiti and returning, full-time, to the United States. Having experienced a similar move myself, I understand the difficulties involved, and my aim today is to convey their current situation while allowing them space to focus on their most pressing tasks.

A decade ago, the Sheppards embarked on a journey to Haiti, purchasing 14 one-way tickets.

Now, Linda finds herself alone in Haiti, packing up their family home, bidding farewell to loved ones, and loading a container that will be shipped to the States. Meanwhile, Ron is holding down the fort in North Carolina.

Their family has grown and thrived in Haiti, experiencing countless "firsts," birthdays, Christmases, and more during their time there. However, now they are each following different paths. Eight of the children have settled in North Carolina, including 13-year-old Naomi, who was just a baby when they first made that life-changing journey. David is in France, and the remaining five are spread across Oregon and Washington state.

Haiti has become increasingly unstable due to gang violence, kidnappings, and limited resources, which has compelled the Sheppard family to relocate to the US. Even though God physically took the family to safety, their hearts remain committed to Haiti's service. This transition has been more challenging than anyone could have anticipated, but it also holds hope for new opportunities and fresh beginnings. God has presented them with various avenues to continue supporting their family, friends, and community in Haiti.

The Sheppards are continuing to offer support to Leanne, who remains in Haiti, and are actively working to secure a visa for her to join them in the United States.

They are also devoted to providing school support for the children in the communities they leave behind in Haiti.

Furthermore, Linda has worked through countless obstacles and challenges to get a container full of gymnastics equipment from Haiti to North Carolina.

This will enable a partnership between Haiti gymnastics and Union County Gymnastics to take shape. The sister-school program will facilitate an exchange, allowing Haitian students to come and train, as well as compete in North Carolina. The connection with coaches having strong ties to the university opens up countless opportunities for the students involved. While the details are still being worked out, the Sheppards are confident that this is all part of God's plan.

As always, we believe that God has a plan for them, and we humbly request your prayers for various aspects of their journey:
  • Pray for the Sheppards' transition, both in terms of their physical well-being and emotional healing as they navigate their new life in the United States.
  • Pray for peace and restoration in Haiti, and especially for the Haitian families who are facing daily struggles for survival.
  • Pray for the ministries that the Sheppard’s are committed to supporting in Haiti.
  • Pray for guidance on their upcoming projects in both Haiti and the United States.
  • Pray for the safe delivery of the container as it makes its way from Haiti to North Carolina, and for the success of the gymnastics sister-school program, as it opens new opportunities for students on both sides.
  • Finally, pray for healing and hope to prevail throughout their journey.
Thank you for joining us in prayer and support for the Sheppard family during this crucial period of transition. Together, we can make a difference and bring positivity and empowerment to both their new life in the United States and their continued dedication to serving Haiti.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Therapy in Guatemala

Yes, we are still very active in Haiti. We have not given up HOPE for the people of Haiti and we appreciate everyone's continued prayers for the unrest and continual crisis in the place we call home. We would like to give more updates, but it's very depressing and continues to get worse and worse. Please keep praying for our staff in Haiti, their families, and that they will be safe. We still feel displaced in North Carolina with our hearts in Haiti and our home and dogs and so many friends we consider family.

But for this post, we want to talk about something positive. In the meantime, Linda continues to minister in Guatemala yay!  She lead a mission trip a few weeks ago to Santa Maria de Jesus with a joint medical and mental health training/therapy team. 


It was an amazing experience, especially getting back into her specialty which is trauma work and mental health. Linda has been a trainer for Crisis Care Training International for many, many years, but as things got worse and worse in Haiti around 2018, mental health training aspects and doing therapy began to take a back seat. 

Linda personally was really burning out. But just look at some of these amazing photos of the training in Guatemala. It was such an uplifting experience! Previously, it was so hard to live in the middle of crisis nonstop and work in the field of crisis (rape, hostage, shooting) and also be a parent to so many traumatized children. We had much trauma ourselves as well as secondary trauma, but God is good and we are healing. 

In Haiti, God called us to make a transition into physical fitness and gymnastics to assist with long term physical and mental health and also as a way to provide HOPE to the suffering who only saw trauma and unrest all around them. The Lord opened doors and it was truly amazing. We began to see a wide range of ways to serve the needs.

Onto the year 2023, and we are not currently full time in Haiti. Most of our children are now grown. Linda is in a better place mentally to venture back into some mental health trainings again. And what a JOY it has been :) 

We have another team traveling to Guatemala August 19-26, so please contact if you are interested. It will be a joint medical/mental health trip as well. 

We also did medical care with the elderly in a group home and also with our amazing friend Brenna who has an amazing ministry with homebound elderly. 

At the school, we were able to work with 160 children with doing a module on trauma. We also did fluoride treatments for all the students and provided some medical care some of the students as well. What a tremendous blessing to be able to serve in such a way!

Unfortunately, Linda had some pretty significant back issues in Guatemala and ended up being brought to the ER herself and had to get an MRI and was sent to a brain/spine specialist. She was in a TON of physical pain and has since been following up with doctors, PT, and surgeons in the Florida as well as North Carolina. Please pray for healing without surgery!

She is trying to do what she can to avoid a cervical spinal fusion, so please keep us in prayers regarding those details as well as expenses involved in all of that. We appreciate all of you so much and pray for you and your families. God is good, but life is HARD. We pray that all of us will feel presence of the Lord and that we continue to turn to the Lord with confidence and strength knowing that He will meet all of our needs. 

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go" ~Joshua 1:9
