Thursday, March 31, 2022

 We are quickly approaching the end of  March 2022.  How time flies.  Linda and I continued to trade places for the first part of 2022.  I was fortunate to be in the US to watch the Super Bowl.  That was a treat for me.  I was also able to see Maliya on her birthday.  Linda was able to be with the kids for New Years and Valentines.  As we finish March, I am in the US and will be here for a while.  We are, like everyone, struggling with the inflation.  We have decided that I will stay in the US for a while and find a job.  Please pray that God guides us and brings me to the right job.

I worry about Linda being alone in Haiti.  She rarely leaves the house without a dog in the car.  That is comforting, but not ideal.  The security situation in Haiti continues to be bad.  Kidnappings are commonplace and no one is immune.  There are many videos circulating within Haiti, showing kidnappings and attempted kidnappings.  The government recently released a statement indicating that some kidnappers now have police uniforms and cars.  They documented what to look for if the police are on the street asking you to stop.  Things like, are they wearing police issued boots or tennis shoes, are they next to a police car, and does it have the police plates on it?...not things we would typically think to check.  When someone with a gun is telling me to stop, I am usually looking at their face or the gun, not his shoes. This has created a lot of fear in the general population.  There was recently a crew of people working on the road that we live on.  It is a dead end road and we are the last house.  I walked up to the top of the road, about 100yards, to see if I could get through with the pickup.  I was stopped twice by neighbors to ask if I was not concerned about being kidnapped if I was walking on the street.  I think this indicates the level of concern in Haiti right now.  There seems to be more police activity recently.  I have heard of more arrests of gang members.  Hopefully this trend will continue.  Please pray for the security situation in Haiti.

Please pray for Agape Flights. As you might have seen on Linda's Facebook page, they had a plane burned by protesters the last week of March.  The current belief is that the protesters were looking for a commercial plane (believing that the commercial airlines have the main roads blocked to make money on flights).  The protesters apparently stole this plane, rolled it out of the airport onto the street, and burned it in protest.  There were no injuries to Agape personnel reported.  This is a stark reminder of the frustration the population feels.  Please pray for peace and  for Agape Flights.


Our seeds arrived, thank you Hope Seeds.  We ordered 250 family packs of seeds.  Each packet contains a variety of seeds for a family garden.  We have distributed about 40 packets down in the area we live, gave Leanne 5 packets for her family and neighbors, and sent the remaining packets to Sonis.  They are planning to do a gardening class with the school students in Sonis.  We hope to see a bumper crop from this project, and lives touched through this.


As mentioned in the last post, gymnastics has been struggling.  Many of our students have sent messages that they would like to come to gymnastics, but are unable due to insecurity. While in the US, Linda was able to secure dates for the gymnastics competition and setup a week gymnastics camp.  Now, she is working on paperwork for visas and other things.  Please pray that the students will be safe and able to prepare for and go to the US for this competition.   

We feel very blessed to be serving in Haiti and able to bring gymnastics to Haitian kids.  We ask that you pray for the security situation in Haiti, pray for our family, pray for hearts to be touched for God, and prayerfully consider helping us with what we feel God is calling us to do. 


God Bless


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Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Better Late then Never

 To all of you who follow our happenings here in Haiti, we apologize for the lateness of this year-end post.  The last Quarter of 2021 was crazy for us.  Due to the security concerns and difficulty in getting supplies (mostly food, gas, diesel, propane) we decided to evacuate the kids to the US.  They are all in North Carolina and Linda and I have been trading back and forth every few weeks.  Linda was able to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with the kids.

While in North Carolina, Linda found a gymnastics location that is willing to help us do a competition.  She is working on the details of traveling to the US with about 10 of our gymnastics students.  Getting Visas and other paperwork is a daunting task.  For some of these students, it will be their first time outside the only world they have ever known.  This will be a once in a lifetime opportunity for some and we have many that will not have the funds.  We are excited God has given us this opportunity.  Please pray that we are able to get all of the necessary paperwork completed and that we do not need to leave any students in Haiti, due to paperwork.  If you would like to provide support for this trip, please mark your donation "Gym Trip". .


The security situation in Haiti continues to degrade.  Many who have the means to leave Haiti have done so.  Those who do not have the means are scared they will be the next victim of kidnapping or other gang violence.  The government appears to be addressing the issues, however they are out manned, out gunned, and out financed.  We almost never leave the house without Django in the car.  He stands guard with his back feet on the rear seat, his front feet on the center console, and watches every person near the car.  He loves this and it shows. Sad to think that we need him, but what a blessing he is.


As many of you know, especially if you have been there.  The road to Karfou Badio (where we begin our walk to Sonis) is pretty rough.  We had the privilege to provide some funding for some road improvements along that route.  Their goal was to make the road passable to 4x4 cars and ATVs, all the way to Seguin.  I have verified that work has been done on the road, I hope to see it myself soon.

The seeds we ordered have been delayed due to Covid.  Please pray for the staff at Hope Seeds as many have had covid.   We look forward to providing family pack seeds (We requested 250 family packs) to the people in Sonis and other areas.

I will be sending out an update soon as we are almost to the end of the first quarter of 2022.. Wow.

Please prayerfully consider supporting our work in Haiti.  We know these are difficult times, but God is bigger than our difficulties.  God Bless