When we reached the end of the line for the motos, we continued to walk for a few hours. We had a destination in mind: a small village where our friend was born. We are considering bringing a small medical team there, but we ran into this Haitian proverb: "beyond every mountain there are more mountains". We could "see" where we were going, but the little dirt road just kept weaving around from mountain to mountain. It finally dawned on us that we could not actually make it to this village in a day trip, so we turned around and started the long trek home.
Please pray for us as we navigate the multitude of mountains in Haiti both figuratively and literally. We know that without God many circumstances we encounter on a daily basis would seem hopeless. As we were weaving our way on the dirt road, I thought of my grandfather that walked from village to village throughout the mountains of China evangelizing throughout the 1930's and 1940's and then proceeded to broadcast into China after the missionaries were removed from China. Our God is bigger than circumstances created by man.
Please pray for the upcoming medical team in October. We are so thankful that the Lord has entrusted us with this task of promoting accessible education, medical care, mental health services, and most importantly, promoting the Kingdom of God.