I often
hear this from people: Wait a minute...I thought you were missionaries in
Haiti. Why are you going to Guatemala all the time? Hmm...
And what can I say about Guatemala other than it truly has
my heart. This is a painful thing for me in many ways. I feel like my heart is
with my grown children in different places and then also with dear people
around the world. The bulk of family is in Haiti and my heart continues to be
here as well. The good thing is, God is bigger than all of these logistics and
Back in December, I had the incredible opportunity to
travel to some very remote villages in Guatemala and was able to assist in
opening a high school that will serve students from 16 different villages. The Chance to Dream truly began in these villages years
ago and our commitment remains within these villages and students. I think I
was on 7 different types of transportation (chicken buses) for 14 hours
traveling back from the villages. It was a windy, bumpy road with people
crammed in and well....it wasn't the most pleasant experience.
BUT...I do still lead two medical teams a year to Santa
Maria de Jesus (near Antigua) and these teams have an involvement in helping to
sustain the village schools. Each team that I bring in to either Haiti or
Guatemala (or Ecuador), our intent is that we will of course bring the hope of
Jesus to others, but also that we will be involved in sustainable projects on
the ground vs. just drop in for that one week and do the best we can.
Please keep Guatemala in prayer and the students. We need
funds to keep this program running and continue to pray for guidance regarding
this process. And please consider joining a team to either Guatemala, Ecuador,
or Haiti. I bring in a very limited number of teams (4 teams to Haiti a year, 2
to Guatemala, and 1 to Ecuador), but what they do is crucial to assisting with
sustainability in country.
We are
blessed beyond measure that the Lord has entrusted us with this incredible task
of serving internationally. We covet your prayers and especially think of
friends and family members back home in the States. We pray that each one of us with faithfully walk with the Lord
wherever that leads us.
Thank you everyone for your love and support!! I'll attach some random photos below. :)
~ Linda and Family