Thursday, May 16, 2013

Update on Prayer List

Thank you everyone for the continued prayers! Here's an update so far on what the Lord is doing!

1. That Jordan's adoption would process in time for our move date-Things are looking up for Jordan's adoption. Background checks, home study visit, and various details are finally coming together. Praise God!!

2. That everyone will be able to get a US Passport (most have them, but there is a snag with one child who has an immigration issue). I have actually organized the passports from our safe box, compiled a list of whose passport has expired, who needs a new one, who needs a name change, and who doesn't have one a US passport at all. I have also gone in to get passport pictures for the kids that need passports. Ron and I will be meeting at the passport office (hopefully on Monday) to send many of them in. 

3. That we will be able to mobilize 10-12 teams into Haiti beginning this next year (building teams, school teams, evangelism teams, work teams, etc). With having teams, the teams will expand what God is doing though MTM and will also cover about 1/3 of our expenses by basically covering our housing expense plus being able to bring items into Haiti for us that are tremendously expensive in Haiti (cost of living is about 3x's what it is in the USA). Yeah!! I have a list of many, many dates. I have posted on the blog. I have also printed up some business cards with access to specific details. Previously, I always gave people my work business card and wrote on the back future dates, but it would always smear, etc. If you'd like some cards that you can hand out to people, please call/text me and let me know 503-888-0050. I would be happy to send you some. We are beginning to speak about the various teams, so please prayerfully consider asking us to discuss short term teams with your church, family, or other organization! 

4. That I will still have work and Ron will still have work when we move (we are hoping to earn 1/3 of our overall living expenses by continuing to work: Me seeing clients and Ron doing floor plans). Ron has officially told his work that he will be moving to Haiti. We are praying about the possibility of some continued side jobs from the US doing floor plans, etc. 

5. That we will be able to raise enough support (goal is to raise 1/3 of our overall budget)- Have started calculating how many supporters we will need and it is very manageable. Please pray for us in this process. A good friend said to me, "Ask not, want not" and I am "trying" to absorb that. Like many people, it is simply difficult to ask for support in general and then there are the questions: How to ask for support? When to ask for support? I am printing some prayer cards with details on how to support as well. 

6. That our house in Cherry Grove will sell quickly and for a decent price. We have hired someone that is working on putting a new roof on the home and various other things. Hopefully it will be ready to list for sale within a couple of weeks.

7. That Julia gets a clean bill of health at her next doctor's appointment. She completed chemotherapy one year ago this June and is confident that she has been healed. Praise God! Umm...still need to schedule this. 

8. That we will be accepted into the Christian medical sharing program: Medi-Share and that we continue to feel peace about stepping away from a traditional medical insurance plan. Working on the paperwork for this...

9. That my mom will adapt to us moving- our oldest son will be staying with her and we have an amazing friend/caretaker that takes her to the senior center 2x's a week, but change tends to be difficult for her. Praying about what to tell my mother/how to tell my mother. She has relatively significant short term memory loss and will have difficult retaining the information. 

10. That we will continue to listen and obey God in all that we do :) Continuing to pray for the Lord's guidance.

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