Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Small Blessings

We are so thankful to wake up each morning to an amazing view of Mountain Top Ministries. We are blessed beyond measure. Granted, apparently I spoke too soon on the last post. We don't actually have water like we originally thought. There are brief periods of time when we have water, but I didn't realize the logistics of the water system.

Apparently we will not have water or basically the pump will not work unless we have city power. The water pump is not set up to pull electricity from our inverter/battery system because it will burn up our batteries? Hmm....we don't want to do that since they were close to $200 a piece and I believe there are 16 of them. So, there was a moment where we turned on the faucet and water came out, but that experience was short lived.

This is why we are being advised to eventually invest in a generator, but that is a long term goal since it is thousands of dollars for a generator. So, for now we are still hauling water with a bucket from the cistern. At least we do have water on the property and do not need to walk to the river to fetch it. We are learning to be thankful for the small blessings. We do have a table now that Ron build for the family. The wood is somewhat warped, but we're thankful to be able to sit down with each other for meals. We hope to have some sort of couch or something to sit on in the near future.

Above is a picture of the kids helping Amanda prepackage tylenol for the medical teams at each station. It's an incredible blessing to have so many helpers to assist in the needs of the ministry and community!

Hopefully tomorrow some of the kids will come to the clinic with me to help with inventory. We're hoping to assist with organization and eventually with ordering for the teams.

On Sunday, we walked up the mountain to church. The roads were slick and muddy from so much rain, but we all made it in one piece. A couple of the kids slipped and fell a few times. We're not quite as competent as the locals who seem to be able to navigate the terrain with no problem with a bucket of water on their heads or 40 pounds of vegetables. It is simply amazing! We can hardly walk just on our own without carrying anything else.

Thankfully David was able to pack Naomi part of the way. She walked most of the way up, but on the way back she was getting tired. We saw quite a few goats along the "goat trail" and Naomi had to stop and talk to each goat along the way.

Our creole teacher "mouse" was able to help us part of the way as we were slipping down the mountain. I have high hopes of actually being able to run up the mountain someday!


  1. I love these pictures. What an amazing opportunity to serve.

  2. This time without running water will eventually seem like a long time ago. Our pump only ran with the public power too, so I know what it is to do everything from a bucket. Do you have a reservoir/chateau d'eau on top of the house for water? When EDH is on, the pump should fill that and then you can have water even when the power is off. The problem is not emptying the tank before the power comes on again. More tanks on the roof might be cheaper than a generator.
