Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Another Update on the Prayer List

We're still moving forward steadily with the plans to move to Haiti. I thought I would post a brief update on the previous prayer list. 

1. ADOPTION: Jordan's adoption has had some snags, but we're moving along. I want to thank everyone who has been praying about this situation and has supported us! We know God is bigger then details. 

2. PASSPORTS:....ugh....ugh...ugh. I have divided all the passports and taken people in for pictures at costco, but I stuck those pictures in a safe place and now I cannot locate those little pictures. I am also missing 2 adoption decrees (one for a name change and one for a new passport). So, I still need to work on this aspect. For funding the passports: The kids are helping me pull stuff out of our basement, so that we can sell some things on craigslist to pay for each passport. Each time we sell items and earn $175 or so, I'll apply for two more passports. This seems to be easier then trying to coordinate a whole garage sale. 

3. TEAMS: I have worked on documents and scheduling. A list is on the blog. Please pray for team members for Guatemala July 18-26. We desperately need team members. Without the team members, we are not able to provide the much needed medical care in a community that simply does not have access to services that they need. We do have some committed to going AND we will be going. Praise God! I just wish I knew all the details in advance, but it seems God does not always lay out the plans in advance. 

4. WORK: We're trusting in the Lord that the right work will continue to come through. I know that God has called me to continue supporting adoptive placements and work with families. I am looking for some people to possibly sublease my office. I'll post a picture of it. Please contact me for details. 

5. SUPPORT: We have not actually began raising support, but the Lord has already begun providing abundantly. We are at over 80% of what we need for our launching expense (basically moving everyone there and start up costs). We will be sending out details regarding support. Please pray for guidance in this area. I have made some portfolios describing in more detail what we are doing. If anyone would like a portfolio, please let me know! 

6. HOUSE: We have a few different options we are tossing around in regard to our house (letting missionaries stay in it or renting it out on a weekly/daily basis or possibly moving my mom into it in the future). We're still praying for guidance on the details. The house in Cherry Grove is having a new roof put on and then we should be able to list it for sale. We're asking for continued prayers for the house to sell quickly.

7. HEALTH: Praying about various things with this. Many of the kids have gone to specialists and all looks good so far, Praise God! Praying about whether everyone should be vaccinated for typhoid. It is "recommended", but optional. It's about 100 bucks a piece, which for us is umm.....$1300....yikes! I may need to find more items in our basement that we can sell and take them at one at a time to sell in order to pay for the vaccinations this summer. 

8. MEDICAL INSURANCE: Still working on the details for this and praying for guidance. Ron may be able to keep insurance by working part time for his current job. Please pray! 

9. MY MOM: The move will be hard on my mom. Still praying that she adjusts. We're beginning to process of planning to skype with her while we're still at home so that she get accustomed to seeing us on the internet.  

10. OBEDIENCE: We've been studying scripture on obedience as a family. One favorite: Galatians 5:13-14 For you have been called to live in freedom brothers and sisters. But don't use your freedom to satisy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love. For the whole law can be summed up in one command: "Love your neighbor as yourself". We continue to pray for the Lord's guidance in our lives; that we will obedient wherever he calls us; whenever he calls us; and however he calls.

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