Monday, May 20, 2013

Doors Keep Opening...

The Lord just keeps opening doors! We are trying to catch our breath. We are continually in awe of how the Lord goes beyond what we ever anticipate. We received a significant donation from an amazing family this weekend. This family is by no means wealthy. They simply felt called to give and were faithful in that calling.  We are now at over 80% of our launching expenses. Praise God!! 

It is very humbling to be a recipient of faithful giving. I love the reference that Paul makes to the Philippians 4:17 “Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account” (NKJ). We know that in Haiti (and in life), this fruit may be hard to see at times, but we must not lose faith and must continue to advance the kingdom of God. 

Another Open Door...

On Friday, Ron went to his work and was presented with a “potential” job description that he could do part time from Haiti and possibly keep the family on his regular health insurance (at least to some degree). Previously, we had been moving forward with Medi-Share and have felt peace with that decision. It is much less expensive then medical insurance, but it also is not actually medical insurance. There would be exclusion with some of our kids’ conditions.

Basically, if Julia needed chemotherapy again, it would not be covered unless she had a clean bill of health (for that specific condition) for 3 years. Julia wants me to add that she is 100% confident that she has been healed. We believe she has been healed, but we also acknowledge that we do not know what the Lord has in store for our future. This opportunity may be the Lord providing a way to have health coverage. We could then gradually ease Ron out of his work after the waiting periods is up. Ron works for an AMAZING company that has been a tremendous blessing to our family. It looks like this new job opportunity would be very flexible. He would still predominantly serve the needs of the ministry, but then would also dedicate a certain number of hours per week with his new job. 

Please join us in prayer regarding these details. This looks like an amazing door that is opening, but we also know that it will be very challenging to do both (full time ministry and employment).  Someone had mentioned to me today that men do not multitask quite as well as women. It made me smile. In general, I agree with that statement (there are of course exceptions). While we are on the field, I will continue to work in multiple ways, but I tend to function better doing a million things at once and can live on 4-5 hours of sleep a night. I realize that my husband is in the “normal” category of people that actually need sleep. 

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